Be proud of who we are
As you may know, I am spending much of my time trying to stay home in California, off the road, after years of living in hotels. I'm only a few months into my break, and I say only because I am enjoying my time away from traveling more than the thought of living out of my suitcase. If you are hearing this for the first time, believe it. That means if you are a "wrestling promoter", I put that in quotes because mostly these are fans trying to run a show, I'm not waiting for or wanting your phone call, but I wish you the best. I've never fit the stereo type and I'm not going to start now by prostituting myself out like the other wrestlers without contracts have to and want to do. Very few situations are worth considering leaving home.
Making an exception for just such a situation, I took Sonya over seas for the last couple weeks for an awesome trip where I appeared at the Armageddon Show. This was a big convention that ran for two days in Melbourne, Australia and then another three days in Auckland, New Zealand.
In Melbourne, I signed at the show with my brother-in-the-business, Sabu, and Jasmine St. Claire. Hopefully, I'll get a pic of us to post. The fans were awesome. We look forward to coming back when the opportunity presents itself.
Funny story-the local wrestlers asked me a few questions, and one was about what I do for my calves (RVD's calves are, like many outstanding qualities, not showcased in the ring) because I wasn't wearing my shin pads that usually cover them. I went on to explain that outside of the gym I also do all kinds of unorthodox shit throughout my day to challenge or train myself. One thing I mentioned was that I flush urinals with my foot. I didn't think they'd understand when I realized every urinal I used over there was automatic, but I heard the next day that a bunch of them went home and tried it on their toilets. Funny.
You've probably even tried standing with your eyes closed and maybe lifting one foot off the ground to test your balance. I walk with my eyes closed a lot, under my shades, when I know I have enough safe room. I challenge myself by going for a number of steps that looks short of a collision. Not that I'm suggesting it, but I even do it on my bike and count seconds. I fell once. I'm sure it looked hilarious. One of my first martial arts teachers, James Williams taught me that kind of training. We would spend a lot of time training the mind. I do recommend that.
So, I signed in New Zealand next to Christy Hemme for three days, and Raven for one. The Kiwi's are very nice people and the weather was just right for the most part. After lots of posing and Q and A sessions, and meeting thousands of very kind locals, Sonya and I stayed a couple days and chilled. We actually went on a real Hobbit Hike with Raven and some friends we made and climbed hills and crossed streams and went through caves to get to black sand beaches. It was crazy! I've never done anything like that and will remember the experience always. They filmed Xena, as well as many other projects there in the magical looking mist coming off the ocean.
We made it home to a very smokey Los Angeles. Don't worry about the Van Dam Casa, we're safe, but fuck- I heard on the news that over 1400 homes have been destroyed!
Try to always remember that there are always consequences. Every action has a reaction. Make good's a good idea!
We've been catching up on Dexter( damn, I love that show), Heroes,Two and a Half Men, Robot Chicken, My Name Is Earl, Damages,Californication, and Weeds. Still got The Ultimate Fighter to check out, and I'll give Bionic Woman another look but I didn't think after the second show that it was going to be something for me after all.
Being home doesn't mean I can't leave my house to appear at the Shrine next Sunday, Nov. 4th! Fans in the Los Angeles area, Come see me from 12:00 to 3, I do believe. Los Angeles Comic Book and SciFi Convention. Bring some energy and of course, I expect everyone to tell me they miss my store :(
Sonya's genius brother invented something that may be of interest to you Ipod lovers. It's an add-on for Itunes called MOODSHUFFLE, and it picks music for you based on your moods so you don't have to shuffle around looking for different songs you want to hear, when you want to hear them. Or something like that. Check it out at MoodShuffle - Your music, your mood. Freedom from playlists and an endless ski.
As long as we're plugging, my good friend Shawn Stasiak has a documentary piece you can take a look at here --- Muscular Galore. I doubt many wrestlers or fans got to know Shawn like I got to know him. In fact, I appear in Shawn's film talking to him about spirituality and how we came across and applied what we've learned towards our lives. I haven't seen the whole film yet but it covers a lot of Shawn's motivational path, from Shawn's early days looking up to his famous father, Stan Stasiak to Shawn's current chiropractic career helping others where he can.
I've been talking about this research that Chris Nowinski is doing, concerning concussed athletes and the brain damage consequences. There's that word.
If you want to read an interesting article on it and learn a bit about how Benoit's dad dealt with everything, there's a good story at
My good friend and former high school class mate, Dory Funk Jr., has a new wrestling training center in Florida with all kinds of exciting things happening. Take at look at
Well, I just got back and have a lot to catch up on.
What, not deep enough to measure up to RVD Blog standards?
Oh, don't even think I've run out of material. So not the case, ever.
How about we talk about this for a minute? Is pride a good thing or bad? Or maybe both? We grow up wanting to know that our shoes and jeans are better than the other kids' stuff, or at least we'll pretend we think our shit's better when we're arguing. What is that? My dad's job is cooler than your dad's...our house is hair is better than yours....whatever.
I understand the need to like oneself and the problems that arise when this is not so. Okay. Soon it's school pride. Our team is better than your team. Our state is better than your state. My country is better than yours. We all want to cheer for the home town hero or heroes, even if we don't know them. Why is that? Is the person that made it far in life, and happens to be from your town more deserving of life than the guy that was born in Iraq? Is it the same formula of life, on a different scale? I'm just asking here.
I know the Australians want me to like Australian beer. I do. I know the Kiwi's really want me to enjoy their island. I do. Is that because my American endorsement adds value? Is it pride in their culture that they want to share with someone they like? Or is it wondering how they compare to the mighty U.S.A.? I always ask my friends from out of town if they like Los Angeles, because I want them to like it. I guess that's just to share some common emotion? Maybe? I'm just thinking with you...and jet lag! I'm all for "one love" and I am very grateful for experiencing many wonderful cultures.
Is the pride that makes Canadians proud to be north of the border the same thing I promote by telling everyone to embrace their individuality? Is this what eventually causes war? I think it's all good as long as you have balance. I know some people who don't know how to be proud of themselves without looking down at others. Don't be one of them. You don't have to waste time wishing you weren't someone else because you're not. You're you. Don't go looking for a point here, but imagine with me, just for once- What amazing progress we could accomplish if we were all just Earthling's, put here by the same creator, banned together in search of answers.
See ya.
Making an exception for just such a situation, I took Sonya over seas for the last couple weeks for an awesome trip where I appeared at the Armageddon Show. This was a big convention that ran for two days in Melbourne, Australia and then another three days in Auckland, New Zealand.
In Melbourne, I signed at the show with my brother-in-the-business, Sabu, and Jasmine St. Claire. Hopefully, I'll get a pic of us to post. The fans were awesome. We look forward to coming back when the opportunity presents itself.
Funny story-the local wrestlers asked me a few questions, and one was about what I do for my calves (RVD's calves are, like many outstanding qualities, not showcased in the ring) because I wasn't wearing my shin pads that usually cover them. I went on to explain that outside of the gym I also do all kinds of unorthodox shit throughout my day to challenge or train myself. One thing I mentioned was that I flush urinals with my foot. I didn't think they'd understand when I realized every urinal I used over there was automatic, but I heard the next day that a bunch of them went home and tried it on their toilets. Funny.
You've probably even tried standing with your eyes closed and maybe lifting one foot off the ground to test your balance. I walk with my eyes closed a lot, under my shades, when I know I have enough safe room. I challenge myself by going for a number of steps that looks short of a collision. Not that I'm suggesting it, but I even do it on my bike and count seconds. I fell once. I'm sure it looked hilarious. One of my first martial arts teachers, James Williams taught me that kind of training. We would spend a lot of time training the mind. I do recommend that.
So, I signed in New Zealand next to Christy Hemme for three days, and Raven for one. The Kiwi's are very nice people and the weather was just right for the most part. After lots of posing and Q and A sessions, and meeting thousands of very kind locals, Sonya and I stayed a couple days and chilled. We actually went on a real Hobbit Hike with Raven and some friends we made and climbed hills and crossed streams and went through caves to get to black sand beaches. It was crazy! I've never done anything like that and will remember the experience always. They filmed Xena, as well as many other projects there in the magical looking mist coming off the ocean.
We made it home to a very smokey Los Angeles. Don't worry about the Van Dam Casa, we're safe, but fuck- I heard on the news that over 1400 homes have been destroyed!
Try to always remember that there are always consequences. Every action has a reaction. Make good's a good idea!
We've been catching up on Dexter( damn, I love that show), Heroes,Two and a Half Men, Robot Chicken, My Name Is Earl, Damages,Californication, and Weeds. Still got The Ultimate Fighter to check out, and I'll give Bionic Woman another look but I didn't think after the second show that it was going to be something for me after all.
Being home doesn't mean I can't leave my house to appear at the Shrine next Sunday, Nov. 4th! Fans in the Los Angeles area, Come see me from 12:00 to 3, I do believe. Los Angeles Comic Book and SciFi Convention. Bring some energy and of course, I expect everyone to tell me they miss my store :(
Sonya's genius brother invented something that may be of interest to you Ipod lovers. It's an add-on for Itunes called MOODSHUFFLE, and it picks music for you based on your moods so you don't have to shuffle around looking for different songs you want to hear, when you want to hear them. Or something like that. Check it out at MoodShuffle - Your music, your mood. Freedom from playlists and an endless ski.
As long as we're plugging, my good friend Shawn Stasiak has a documentary piece you can take a look at here --- Muscular Galore. I doubt many wrestlers or fans got to know Shawn like I got to know him. In fact, I appear in Shawn's film talking to him about spirituality and how we came across and applied what we've learned towards our lives. I haven't seen the whole film yet but it covers a lot of Shawn's motivational path, from Shawn's early days looking up to his famous father, Stan Stasiak to Shawn's current chiropractic career helping others where he can.
I've been talking about this research that Chris Nowinski is doing, concerning concussed athletes and the brain damage consequences. There's that word.
If you want to read an interesting article on it and learn a bit about how Benoit's dad dealt with everything, there's a good story at
My good friend and former high school class mate, Dory Funk Jr., has a new wrestling training center in Florida with all kinds of exciting things happening. Take at look at
Well, I just got back and have a lot to catch up on.
What, not deep enough to measure up to RVD Blog standards?
Oh, don't even think I've run out of material. So not the case, ever.
How about we talk about this for a minute? Is pride a good thing or bad? Or maybe both? We grow up wanting to know that our shoes and jeans are better than the other kids' stuff, or at least we'll pretend we think our shit's better when we're arguing. What is that? My dad's job is cooler than your dad's...our house is hair is better than yours....whatever.
I understand the need to like oneself and the problems that arise when this is not so. Okay. Soon it's school pride. Our team is better than your team. Our state is better than your state. My country is better than yours. We all want to cheer for the home town hero or heroes, even if we don't know them. Why is that? Is the person that made it far in life, and happens to be from your town more deserving of life than the guy that was born in Iraq? Is it the same formula of life, on a different scale? I'm just asking here.
I know the Australians want me to like Australian beer. I do. I know the Kiwi's really want me to enjoy their island. I do. Is that because my American endorsement adds value? Is it pride in their culture that they want to share with someone they like? Or is it wondering how they compare to the mighty U.S.A.? I always ask my friends from out of town if they like Los Angeles, because I want them to like it. I guess that's just to share some common emotion? Maybe? I'm just thinking with you...and jet lag! I'm all for "one love" and I am very grateful for experiencing many wonderful cultures.
Is the pride that makes Canadians proud to be north of the border the same thing I promote by telling everyone to embrace their individuality? Is this what eventually causes war? I think it's all good as long as you have balance. I know some people who don't know how to be proud of themselves without looking down at others. Don't be one of them. You don't have to waste time wishing you weren't someone else because you're not. You're you. Don't go looking for a point here, but imagine with me, just for once- What amazing progress we could accomplish if we were all just Earthling's, put here by the same creator, banned together in search of answers.
See ya.