Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Weedies" endorsement

Hello to all my free thinkers who wait patiently for me to get around to writing these blogs. It is that time again. In the near future, I think I may give video blogging a try. Anyways, I feel like writing so if you feel like reading...

What’s on the table? Wrong Side of Town has been post-poned until April. You know that if you listen to RVD RADIO. Listeners are privy to a lot of information and stories that non listeners don’t get. Last weeks episode was one of the most downloaded archives we’ve had so far, thanks to some incredibly funny stories that aired. Check us out live on Wednesdays. This week Brett Hart, Justin McCully, Sabu, Fonzie and others joined SVD and I to talk about the Death Penalty-which you can’t discuss without bringing up child predators, gun control and private prison incomes. That’s how we roll on RVD RADIO.

Also in April, RVD TV DVD Vol 1 hits the stores with lots of bonus unseen footage. More info on that coming soon. Medium Rob tells me its already on Best Buy’s web site, so that’s cool.

I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring in a couple weeks in France. With 9 matches on the tour, I’ll be wrestling along with the Masterpiece, Sabu, Scotty 2 Hotty, Test, Marty Janetty, Heidenreich, Gangriel, just go to their web site and check it out

Since we’ll be returning the 3rd of April,

I’ll have to miss Booker T’s huge Legends of Wrestling Fan Fest, but you don’t. Find out how you can meet Sting,Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, Christie Hemme, well, there’s too many to name. Go to the web site!

Does everyone want to beat the shit out of Chris Brown as much as I do? Rihanna’s going to lose a lot of fans if she takes this punk back. I’m sure he’s just as innocent as O.J.

As the boyfriend of the murdered Virginia Rappe once said about the accused Fatty Arbuckle- “This is what comes of taking vulgarians from the gutter and paying them enormous salaries and making idols of them.” Yeah, I quoted a piece of Hollywood history that probably no one will understand. What about it?

We all love Rihanna’s eyes and no one wants to see them black and blue. She needs to do the right thing and find another fella...ella...ella.

My favorite radio station in Los Angeles changed format from talk radio to...well, who cares? I’m not going to listen to it. You can get the podcast of Adam Corolla, but basically- there is no more talk radio in L.A. I guess if I liked basketball there’s AM radio, but I don’t. So far, we still have Love Lines so we can hear Dr. Drew tell kids that taking ecstasy can effect their orgasm, but gross! You mean I have to get Serious Radio now? I’ll look into it. I hope my friend Chuck Zito still has his show on.

I find good talk, whether it’s on the radio or on a Friends in High Places episode on RVD TV, to be stimulating to the brain. Maybe a new talk radio station will fill that slot in L.A. soon. They better. Fuckers.

Bob Backlund is appearing with Ric Flair and others to sign autographs and take photos at the end of the month. It’s coming quickly Dude, if you haven’t seen Nitro Circus- find it. It’s a very, very entertaining show. Travis Pastrana was the first extremist to backflip a motor cycle-you saw that footage-and now that he’s retired from competing( I think) he and his friends do the most amazing stunts. Hydro planing motor cycles across water, jumping from an airplane with no chute, flipping a fucking monster truck! It’s ten times better than the best stunts you liked from Jackass, but without the gay. C’mon, I’m just saying what we all know. If you and a group of your buddies all know exactly what each others butt holes look like, you might be gay. Anyway, I highly recommend Nitro Circus. These guys take harder bumps than wrestlers and always seem like they should’ve been majorly fucked up, but they get up and do it again! They don’t make you wait for long set ups, the show moves at a quick pace and they even have a crazy girl doing their stunts!!!

Have you guys noticed a slight slump in our economy? President Obama had sworn to quit wasting federal resources and he is coming through with his promises. Last week, he finally got around to looking at the medical marijuana policy and the new attorney general Eric Holder made the official announcement for the new American policy. Federal law complies with state law on the marijuana issue.

For everyone that is reading this and thinking “oh, big deal” I have some news for you, because I know you count on me doing the thinking for you sometimes. There is no fear of being harassed by the DEA if you have a doctor’s card in 13 states now. Marijuana dispensaries are a legitimate business, generating big tax revenues for the state. They are going to look at that, and then consider ideas like the bill Tom Ammiano from San Francisco is trying to get approved in Sacramento right now-legalizing the herb for everyone 21 and over. Most of us are too young to remember that ending alcohol prohibition got us out of the depression in the 30’s because people drank anyway and the profit went to the streets. How long will haters refuse to consider looking at the honest facts in favor or keeping America in the dark?

I, for one, will not let the lights go out. People like Kimberly Guilfoyle- who had the ignorance on my Geraldo appearance to suggest Michael Phelps should put down the weed and eat some carrots-think that even looking into the truths about the plant is a dirty thing to do. Is that what you think? Sounds like brain washing to me. By the way, does anybody believe that Miss Guilfoyle knows more about physical fitness than Michael Phelps? Or RVD for that matter? I would love a chance to debate her or any opposers on this issue. In years of researching, I have never came across one good reason for marijuana prohibition. I’m guessing that it won’t be very long before it’s not an issue.

By the way, coming from Battle Creek, I know a lot of people who count on money generated from Kellogg’s. That’s why taking a stance like they did by dropping their endorsement of Michael Phelps’s risks a lot of people’s wellness. I don’t wish those people any harm but I have decided to join the thousands out there who will not be purchasing Kellogg’s products in the name of moving forward. Kellogg’s was the only sponsor to want to make the statement that they made, which to me is a bad one. As I alway say, kids should not consume pot. Adults should not lie to kids about it or they won’t get or deserve trust.

Founded on lies, protected by lies, the plant that never killed anyone has been the number one distraction from important issues that need focus. After decades of the government denying the medicinal properties of cannabis, they now admit that it is medicine if the state claims it is, and that’s going to help so many people out. People like I saw wasting away up at the chemo infusion rooms at City of Hope because their policy on mj- when asked how to stimulate appetite or suppress nausea- was to not bring it up,but if someone else brought it up- like me, they told everyone that they should try it. That shit’s got to change. Think about those people, tired and weak from not eating, when you say “ I wish Rob would quit talking about weed.”

Go back to thinking that your taxes are all going to support the Octo-Mom and enjoy the dark, sheeple. Just don’t expect RVD’s blogs to not hurt your eyes a little.

Everyone else, enjoy your day. I’ll leave you with some wisdom spat out by a wise monkey recently that helped put things into perspective.

What you do for yourself, you take with you.

What you do for others, you leave behind.

RVD...making the world a better place!