Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Found $$$"

What’s up free thinkers? Are you enjoying these debates?..

It seems that our country really wants to feel comfortable that someone is working on fixing our economy, before we get sold and bought at a reduced price. The Central Banks could buy us, but they’d rather jut loan us our freedom, at present value plus interest. When these banks loan us each dollar for a dollar plus interest, can we ever truly catch up? Not mathematically- and this is exactly when you should use mathematics.

Let’s stretch our imaginations and pretend that we are in such bad shape that we need to find a way to bring profitable income to our government. We need cash. We need it now. Ok, it’s not so pretend. It’s very fucking real.

Not only could we save 7 billion dollars annually from ceasing to chase down the “Devil’s Weed”, but we’d better utilize our resources- like the armies of wasted soldiers and researchers and bogus office positions to focus on something with merit. If we regulated and taxed marijuana, based on today’s national usage, revenues would likely exceed an amount of another 30 or 40 billion. Having that money in the economy wouldn’t suck, would it? Instead, they’ll want to make sure you pay the ridiculous jacked-up price at the pharmacy if you want to achieve good health. That way, the rich get richer.

If you want to expand this conversation to include the failing War on Drugs, we’ll use dollar amounts that are 3 or 4 times the amount wasted to prohibit the natural medicine of Cannabis. Easily. By the way, they allow doctors to prescribe THC in a pill form, which is a blatant admission of its medicinal value, but they deny it at the same time so they can get richer. Of course, the Feds give cannabis to those 5 patients on their system anyway, while arresting others for the EXACT same “crime”, so what the fuck.

If you are interested in knowing where the presidential candidates stand on the medical marijuana issue, I HIGHLY encourage you to check out this clip from MPP TV.

By the way, if you live in Michigan or in Massachusetts your vote can be the one that stops the illogical criminalization and helps the needy obtain their medicine without fear. Both states have an excellent chance for passing favorable laws on Nov. 4th and becoming the nation’s 13th state to admit what we already know. They are both going to have to fight a lot of lies between now and then, so lend your support if you are able. MPP Homepage

Last week’s RVD RADIO premier- or as I like to call it, “test run”, had such a huge response, that the high volume of callers overloaded the switchboard and caused big problems for the techs. Despite several unsuccessful attempts to connect calls, audio level and equipment issues, Masterpiece and I both enjoyed it and we’re looking forward to doing it again Wednesday. Because many of you called and didn’t get through, we’re going to be live for 2 hours this week, at a special time before the big debates. From 4/7 to 6/9 we’ll discuss topics such as Addiction, Will Power, Brain Damage, RVD TV and wrestling. Chris “the Brain” Nowinski will join us from the Sports Legacy Institute, and we’ll check in with Dr. Shawn Staziak. I’ve read from many fans who enjoyed the show and who have committed to listening every week, so that’s cool. I’ve also been asked quite a bit if the shows will be archived and they are. If you go to RVD RADIO last week’s show comes up, and soon I’ll have them available at robvandam.com and myspace/5starcomics.com.

If you’re upset because you really wanted to talk about censorship last week, bring it up anyway. My feelings are genuine so when you bring up my topics, you’re bringing up my feelings. As far as censorship goes...on regular tv, you can show a breast, as long as you’re operating on it or it’s dead, but not on a beach, unless it’s a documentary about Africa, and you can show your middle finger as long as it’s with your other fingers but if it gets separated, you are not to show it or you will be censored.

You know, I doubt you can convince me that this is not moronic, no matter how hard you try.

Make sure and check out the new “Auction” page at robvandam.com eBay Store - RVD 5STAR STORE: I’m going to try to keep this operative every week with items from my old store, RVD’s 5 Star Comics or even personal items from my house, so keep checking back. Being a collector has made me a bit of a pac-rat too, so I usually have stuff to get rid of.

Last Friday’s episode of RVD TV took place in Tokyo several weeks ago, while I was there for Mr. Inoki’s IGF. On it, I visit a store in Shibuyu, where many wrestlers get their outfits. Cacao has made my shin pads for years and his stuff is top quality. If you’re a wrestler looking to get a kick ass mask or just want to check out his awesome stuff, visit 覆面.com, and bring a translater if possible.

I loved Bill Maher’s movie “Religulous”. You know that I appreciate a good thought provoker, and Bill had many really good points. My bible-thumping friend Eddie, feel free to jump in here, but one of my favorite parts was when Bill questioned the priorities of the Ten Commandments that were chosen. He implied that the first 4 (depends which version you refer to) are all about the correct way to worship God and the list( the other 6 seem to be about the correct way to treat your neighbor) doesn’t include important issues like torturing people and fucking little kids. I will admit that there was an eerie moment or two when the entire theatre was laughing as Bill made fun of worshippers while he stood his position as a non-believer and it reminded me of the stories I’d heard about in Sunday school- about all of Noah’s neighbors laughing at him while he built his boat. The neighbors in that story used to seem so wrong, back when Romper Room was the best show all week.

When we truly don’t know something about ourselves, there’s an uncomfortable void and we feel fear. We like the comfort of filling that void, even if it’s with a false sense of security. It just feels better. It allows us to sleep at night.

“ I know I’m a good person and I’m going to Heaven when I die.”

“There’s no way that the United States Government would do that to its own people.”

“ Of course that man -who I thought was much like me- murdered his family and committed suicide, he was taking steroids.”

“ I don’t eat red meat so I know I’m good.”

Even “ I could nail any bitch in here, but they’re not worth my time.”

We don’t really know but we’ll accept that we do. Why not? Who wants to be afraid?

I don’t mind questioning uncertainties for what they are, and I encourage you to do the same-if for nothing else, a mental workout.

Talk atcha on Wednesday.

Until then, look both ways before crossing the street.

Sunday, October 5, 2008



It’s October everybody. One thing we can count on is that life moves at the speed of time, huh? Halloween is a fun time, when the Untied States somehow comes up with a few extra billion dollars to blow on clothes, make-up and masks so we can look like other people. YAY! I don t mean to come across like a Scrooge every time I bring up the issue of wasting financial resources on holidays and celebrations, but I take a logical perspective on it. Oh sure, birthdays are fun, Christmas brings great joy, and this month-forget about curing cancer or aids, forget about feeding the hungry and who cares about the financial disaster that the country is in...we want to look like Zombies and Vampires! Even if you don’t agree with me, don’t raise my taxes so you can blow more money on completely unnecessary, Big Corporation profiting cash orgies like this. Unless you can prove to me that having our ladies dress up like witches for a night of drinking out of a pumpkin is a survival necessity, I think my opinion will remain the same. I know, you want your kids to have the same joyous, stupid experiences that you had as a kid. Here’s an assignment for you to do with your kids. Let’s total up all the expenses of every silly holiday in the United States, for one full year, big and small- including the Hallmark created Secretary’s Day, Boss’s Day, Sweetest Day and every other Bull Shit Day, and compare that grand total to the 700 billion dollars that Bush is taking out of our pockets. Sorry, maybe that number's like 850 billion now. Aw, what's the difference? Again, let me remind you that we blow over 7 billion to keep the myth of “dangerous marijuana” alive by publishing bullshit lies, prosecuting innocent people and funding an unnecessary agenda with no merit. Here’s a quick story for you.

Charles Lynch was considered a great man for opening up his marijuana dispensary in Morro Bay, California. His store was welcomed by the community, as shown by the May or having his photo taken with Charles in front of his store for the newspaper, the Chamber of Commerce accepting his membership, and over 2,000 patients with serious illnesses coming to him for medicine. Someone didn’t like this. Because the dispensary was granted a Conditional Use Permit and Charles did everything by the book, the local sherriff-let’s just call him A-hole- couldn’t do anything to stop the business by state or local law. Here’s what A-hole did. He brought the DEA in to bust Charles, and had him convicted in Federal Court on August 5th. Here’s the reason I thought you might care- the jurors in that case are not allowed to hear the words “medical marijuana”- since the Feds deny it’s existence, and poor Charles is tried as a common drug dealer!!! No mention of state or local law is considered relevant in this Federal Court Room. Sound right? Fuck no! Watch Drew Carey cover the heart-pulling story of Charles and a local 17 year old boy with bone cancer-who had to get his leg amputated- who the sheriff used to get Charles prosecuted and shut the store down. I’m warning you- it’s a fucked up story Reason TV Documentary Raiding California.As Drew points out, the average time spent in California prison for murder is 20 years. Charles Lynch looks at doing 100 years. Does that sound fair? On Monday, October 6th there will be a “Free Charles Lynch” rally in downtown Los Angeles at the Federal Courthouse at 11:00 pm, showing support for his request for a new trial. Friends of Charles C. Lynch - Home I enjoyed reading the feedback from my last blog, as I always do. There were some interesting comments about Evolution theories. While Sonya and I were at the Bodies exhibit, we were told that people used to have tails and that eventually, people will no longer have the small toe because we tend to survive by the “use it or lose it” motto. Years of skeletal studies led to this conclusion. Did you know that? I didn’t do the research myself, so it’s all just theories to me. Hmmm...that sure would make a good subject for a topical talk radio show... Also among the fans comments, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about whether RVD TV will be on DVD. Of course it will. This is one of my many projects that I have on my plate, all of which take a back seat to my number one priority, but the RVD TV DVD project is moving as we speak and I’ll have news for you soon. Back to Sonya, she’s doing great. We are very thankful that these times we are going through are not more than we can handle, and Sonya is still full of positive energy, loving life every day. She really is awesome.

One thing that I always tell people I will someday do, is host my own radio show. I could probably make that h appen right now, but that's for down the road, when I am ready to report to a regular schedule-you know, like most of you do. It might be way down the road. The thing about blog talk radio is...I can do it when I want, for as long as I want, with no restrictions. So, guess what? Starting next Wednesday, Oct. 8th at 7pm pacific/10 pm east coasters...RVD RADIO!!! I’ll have celebrity guests, take your live phone calls, and talk about the shit that I want to talk about! I will warn you that if you haven’t seen RVD TV, you will get to know a different RVD than you’ve seen on WWE television. This is the real person that my friends, family and RVD TV watchers know. What am I warning you about? You’re reading my blog, right? This is me. From my perspective, I can inspire people outside the ring in a much more meaningful way than from inside the ring.. I can share energy with people in a more direct, insightful way than pretending I hate the guy I’m wrestling. I know you miss that shit, too. That’s why you’re going to call in and let me know how you feel. Feel free to tune in and/or call in from anywhere around the world! The premier episode will feature Chris Mordetsky-the Masterpiece, and Dr. Shawn Staziak. Topics include individualism, censorship, RVD TV, and wrestling. Also be ready to ask Dr. Shawn health and wellness questions for your body and spirit on his talk radio show immediately following RVD RADIO. By the way, my show is going to kick ass! I have no doubt I could host a 4 hour show with no guests except the callers, and I’ve always loved doing radio shows. It’s just fun, and of course now I have my own message to deliver- and it has nothing to do with my enthusiasm to defend a television prop in your town.RVD RADIO Speaking of WWE...From Jim Ross’ site this week: “Just my two cents, but the WWE would be well served to make RVD a richer man and get him back on TV. Van Dam is a unique star and a bona fide main eventer.” AWWW...shucks J.R.! Thanks for noticing.You will be seeing RVD soon on Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Wrestling. Starting October 18th on the Country Music Channel, this show is going to surprise you. I thought it sounded silly at first, but people are going to really enjoy it and I’m glad I was part of it. Along with Jimmy Hart, Hulkster, Bischoff, Brian Knobbs, and Jason Hervey- Brutus Beefcake put it best at the CCW training camp when he said “It’s been too long since we’ve got to see the 5 Star Frog Splash.” AWWW...shucks Bruti. YouTube - Hulk Hogan - Celebrity Championship Wrestling - Trailer Championship Comedy celebrated it’s one year anniversary recently. This is the comedy promotion that you may have seem pictures of me at. Congrats to Tim Chizmar for keeping the fun going. Check out the comedy and compare it to your schedule and see if they are coming to a comedy house near you. They are if you’re in Los Angeles on October 7th! Check them out at the Hollywood Improv on Melrose for guaranteed laughs MySpace.com - Championship Comedy™ I don’t make it out to the movies very often, but I’m really looking forward to Bill Maher’s movie “ Religulous”, which came out Friday. Religion is a subject I love to debate and it is a perfect example of people’s fear of thinking freely or challenging what they’ve been told.

What? O.J.'s guilty? He seemed like such a nice, kind-hearted killer. Hey- anytime you bring a gun and are ready to use it, let alone pointing it, you are jeopardizing the lives of those around you. I mentally roll my eyes every time I hear someone complaining about doing hard time for any "small" crimes of dealing, stealing, or wheeling around illegally with guns. Guns are so much part of their accepted day that they don't consider the added trouble for having it. If you point a gun at me, it's just as offensive as shooting at me because we didn't agree to trust your trigger finger with my life. Point a gun at someone and you are holding them by their hand as they hang over the edge of a cliff. People don't usually volunteer for that shit and if bad consequences come to the offending party, it is well deserved.

While we were in Spain this summer, we learned of some horrific news via the television. Hourly updates were reported about two little girls who were murdered in a small, innocent town of Weleeka, Oklahoma. Remember that story? SVD grew up in Okemah- the next town over- and used to walk down the very streets as these little girls. This hits way too close to home and although no suspects have been arrested- months later, we will do our part to make sure this tragedy is not soon forgotten. Sonya wants the proceeds of this week’s auction to go towards helping the unfortunate families of those innocent little girls and we hope attention is not taken off of finding the responsible parties and bringing them to justice. This week’s auctioned wrestling outfit has a matching t shirt that SVD wore to make us a set. This is a unique package that we hope will serve the important cause.No Leads in Murder of Oklahoma This is a long enough blog, so anything else can wait. Well, ok...one more thing, before I go.You do know that it’s wrong to vote for one person to run the country because you think she’s hot, and not vote for another person because you think he’s black, right? Just making sure. You should make sure, too.

Talk to you soon.