Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Watch Heroes Monday

OJ’s gone. He is guilty. He will be locked up. I know someone deeply involved and knew he was going down since a few hours after the incident. It’s been interesting watching it unfold on the news, especially while SVD and myself were in Vegas over the weekend. Goldmans are stoked. Another criminal locked up. Prisons were made for people like OJ.

And of course, Paris (joking but not writing lol as per Californication last week).

This coming weekend, I will be at Hooters Hotel and Casino signing autographs, taking photos and impressing all the fans with my genuine coolness! Originally, I was only going to be able to make it on Friday because of plans that have changed -- to go to UFC in Anaheim. My good friend Justin McCully won’t be able to participate due to injury. No UFC, keep me in Vegas! I’ll be there Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd at Celebrity Meet and Greet. Click here for info.

Earlier on Saturday, I’ll be at the Sports Card & Collectibles Show (you guessed it, click here) from 11:00 to 1:00. Plan on making it RVD weekend and I’ll see you there.

Here’s something I read on a Marijuana Policy Project t-shirt that I liked:

“All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhaur

One of the projects that I have been waiting to tell people about is RVD TV. We shot it back in July and I have been anxious for it to go through the production process to the point of availability for viewing. Nearing that stage now is a project that doesn't get any closer to the heart. Nobody wrote this shit. Nobody’s agendas are involved but my own. That’s not to say Buzz Media Productions won’t be rewarded as well when RVD TV hits the streets. It’s an episodic website program that invites you into my real life. The purpose? To show the other 95 percent of me that you don't see watching me wrestle.

After watching the first four episodes, I feel that the mission to inspire and motivate in a positive way came across strong, as that is my everyday life.

Here’s what Andrew Wright, aka Docu Dude, posted in his blog about the experience of filming RVDTV.

“Since my return from RVD's LA home in late July, I have been hard at work, as always, editing the footage with my right hand man Michael "The ZOMBIE" Spatola. After two years of pitching the concept of a Hardy Show-like project to RVD, he finally showed interest around January this year. Six months later, I was on a flight to manifest yet another dream: RVD TV.

The resulting experience was nothing short of amazing.

RVD and I merged into true friends who grew to understand each other's lifestyles, mentalities, and vision for the project. He welcomed me into his home for seven days
and whirled me through an energetically-paced cavalcade of Hollywood sights, sounds, locations...and celebrity friends including Tabu (Black Eyed Peas), Cypress Hill, Chris Masters, Samoa Joe, Justin McCully, Andrew Bryniarski (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and The Reyes Brothers, all of whom contributed their time for feature filming.

The culmination of our efforts has yielded a show so good and so unlike anything else, that when RVD finally previewed our first four episodes just three days ago, he
excitedly called me to say, "Dude, I'm lovin' it!". He went on to congratulate me and the Zombie on a job well done and we toasted RVD TV together over the phone.

A quick notation on RVD: Rob is among the most unique and personally sound individuals I have ever met. His positivity, intelligence, and outlook on life and those around him are a refreshing and welcoming wave of light on a dark day. We philosophized many a night away and shared the most robust of laughs and most importantly, marvelled at the prospective success our new project would attain.

I have no doubts concerning network interest in this show. Within a few weeks, RVD TV will be making its debut at RobVanDam.com!"

On RobVanDam.com you can see the first trailer, pre-RVD approved, put together by Andrew Wright and Michael Spatola of BuzzMedia Productions. I wanted to put this up right away so everyone can get the idea. Keep in mind that this is a sneak peek. We’re still working on things, including a better logo and a kick ass website brought to us by Eric Robbins of Unkind Studios, our Chief of Web Staff. Eric made my awesome RobVanDam.com site and will no doubt keep us looking sharp.

This show contains the answers to everything I have been asked by you fans. What I’ve been doing? What are my plans? What are my workouts? What do I do in my spare time? Everything. A favorite repeating segment, that really needs to be seen, is what I call “Friends in High Places.” Here I talk to friends in the entertainment industry about thought-provoking issues like language censorship, violence in entertainment, marijuana prohibition, gun control, relationships, religion and other deep issues. This is me putting my balls on the line because that’s what I do. Anytime someone famous states whether they are for or against abortion, for example, they stand to lose 50 percent of their fans. That’s why public images let you fill in the blanks. I’m delivering the truth to you, and encouraging you to appreciate the fact that others think differently than you. We all know that I’m one of a kind. So are you. Enjoy.

More information coming soon...