Blog time everybody. Greetings to all. Thanks for the many, many kind wishes for my birthday.
Glad everyone seemed to enjoy my brief appearance on RAW. Of course, even though it was a reunion for the 15 year anniversary, many of you refuse to believe that I’m not back. Hold on to whatever you need to, but I’ll be chillin’ in Southern Cali while you’re doing that. It was a fun experience, being there for one day and knowing I’m going home instead of on to the next spot on the map. Some of the other wrestlers jokingly said goodbye with “ See ya at Wrestlemania”. We’ll see.
Making an exception to my plans of California dreaming, I’ll be in Houston on December 28th for PWA’s one year anniversary show. RVD vs Booker T headlines this huge event in Texas, which is sure to have a record breaking crowd. If you’re able to make it, know that this is a rare opportunity to witness those RVD moves actually being done by RVD and not an impressionable wanna-be. Sweet, one-of-a-kind action! Official Booker T. Web Site
I’m stoked for Lost to be returning for another season in a few weeks. I just finished watching season 3 on DVD, and damn- that’s a hard one to walk away from when I have time to keep watching. Good stuff.
Anyone caught Lil Bush on Comedy Central? Dude, this is something to laugh at. We keep a few episodes on Tivo and re-watch them sometimes for good medicine.
I’ll be writing blogs more often once RVD TV is up and running. I’ll be wanting to give you a heads up on each episode as it’s released, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen real soon.
In fact, it appears that RVD TV will be open Christmas week, with parts of the web site still under construction- so wear your hard hats. You and I have both been waiting a long this to come, so plan on having another reason to celebrate over the holidays.
I got some new RVD T shirts. They totally kick ass. Featuring the legendary art work of Joe Holland, my in-ring outfit airbrush artist, I predict that these shirts are going to be top picks for all time favorite RVD T shirts for many people. The good news…you can order them online now! Check them out and let me know what you think!-Holland's Windmill Airbrush
Remember, for more merchandise, including RVD's secret stash ( like ring-worn boots and outfits) and collectible items from RVD's 5 Star Comics click here eBay Store - RVD 5STAR STORE: RVD's 5Star Home
So, baseball wants to take the heat off of pro wrestling, huh? When the major news about the almost 100 ball players that have taken steroids hit the press, it became the subject to talk about. As always, not wanting to disappoint, allow RVD to offer a different perspective. First off, let’s acknowledge the legitimacy of “roids” as medicine. Testosterone replacement therapy is recommended by many credible doctors to increase health. The fact is, as we grow older, our testosterone levels drop, causing aging factors that are detrimental to our well being to occur. That's a fact for us all- athletes or not. Steroids were invented to increase aggression in soldiers during the war, but we know all’s fair in love and war, right? That’s another blog all together! If a professional athlete wants to be the best he can be, why not consider a medicine that promotes his chances? I think this is one point where the views get distorted. People want to compare their heroes to themselves. Just because Bob the banker plays softball on the weekends, doesn’t make him a pro, does it? Regular people can and do play football, lift weights, race and even compete in dangerous sports…like fishing and poker! People don’t wrestle for a hobby. It’s entertainment. Take cheating off the table with that one and let’s stick to the other competitions. You want to compare your batting average to your heroes and let’s face it- that’s not fair. These athletes have followed their dreams and sacrificed everything to be where they are. You just want to play for fun when you have time. These athletes make their living off of competing at the highest level, full time! They want to get as far as they can possibly get and have devoted their lives for it. Let the pros be pros and don’t stop them because your ego won’t let go of your college days when you could have taken a different path.
I’ve heard people say that it’s not fair that Babe Ruth’s record could be broken today only because of drug use. Isn’t it a fact that we have better arthritic medicine and pain and joint tension relievers today then Babe could have had? Don’t we have better education on physical fitness and health and well being? Better equipment for athletes to exercise on? Better supplements? I’ve even heard people claim that the weight of the bat, and the size of the playing field have been altered. What’s wrong with progressing with the times?
I love how the media puts their twist on everything. I saw some young kid on television respond when he was asked what he would do next time he saw his busted “hero” on the pitcher’s mound. The kid simply stated that he would “Boo”. This may strike an emotional cord with you, but not me. “Oh, how heart- breaking that a child feels that way about his role model!” “ We must do something”. That’s what they’re hoping to inspire, but I’m looking at this 7 year old kid and laughing at the attempt to brain wash me. I remember when I was that young and my mom would say “ Robbie, I think it’s gross when people don’t wash their hands after they go to the bathroom, don’t you?” I’d say “ Uhh…yeah.”
She’d then tell others “ Robbie think’s it’s gross when people don’t wash their hands.” there by making it appear as if it was my own thought, to me and to others. That’s what adults do for kids, which is great, but let’s not forget that when we hear the ”shocking” opinions of children. The opinions are not their own, but their parents.
What about the danger? As with everything, there are dangerous levels of abuse. Are the dangers exaggerated? More than you could possibly imagine. In fact, I believe that most of you reading this are under the impression that the reasons you are hearing about so many wrestlers dying are from steroids. That is what most people seem to think. You too?
How is it, that certain facts are completely over-looked in favor of feeding the fear monster? Many of you read about the 64 wrestlers who have died since 1997 under the age of 50, in Maxim Magazine. Did you happen to notice that steroids were mentioned as possible fatal contributions in only 3 of those deaths? That’s if you agree with them that GHB is a steroid, which it is not. You may read about the drug over doses and think maybe it’s steroids. It’s not. It’s almost always, 100 percent, always, always, the muscle relaxer called Soma. Soma, often mixed with other drugs in what we call the “wrestlers cock tail”, is what sends my friends and peers to the grave.
One factor I admit is questionable is the common enlarged heart. It is referred to as “athletes heart” by the medical profession which implies that it is common with those involved in sports. Many people have this without being involved in any competition. I don’t know why it’s so common but it’s not something you can just blame on steroids. Maybe it's related. We should look into that.
So, what do we do? Is it feasible to have separate leagues for athletes who use and those who do not?
Have you ever heard of natural body building contests? They’ve been doing it for years, haven’t they?
I think we should be grateful for modern medicine for all it has achieved. Longer, healthier, more productive lives have been possible since the invention of penicillin and everything that has followed.
Is it really worth putting all this negative energy on America’s favorite pastime? Are the players cheating or are the rules holding them back? How many of you would take a pill if you were guaranteed a world championship reign that would put you in the history books? A lot of folks would trade in their lives for a guarantee like that. Some folks would trade their lives in just for the chance, with very small odds of making it to the top. They want it that bad. It means that much to them. Is it their line to draw, or yours because you want to compare their batting average to yours?
Agreeing to play by given rules and secretly breaking the rules to win is always cheating. If there’s room for flexibility, it’s in the rules. How about we learn more, instead of giving in to the fear that makes us seek comfort in the form of appeasing bull shit? That sounds like a good idea to me. Medicinal value is golden for survival. There are levels of usage and abuse with anything you can put into your body.
Be smart about that, and acknowledge that others may not be as smart as you.
Merry Christmas everybody!
Glad everyone seemed to enjoy my brief appearance on RAW. Of course, even though it was a reunion for the 15 year anniversary, many of you refuse to believe that I’m not back. Hold on to whatever you need to, but I’ll be chillin’ in Southern Cali while you’re doing that. It was a fun experience, being there for one day and knowing I’m going home instead of on to the next spot on the map. Some of the other wrestlers jokingly said goodbye with “ See ya at Wrestlemania”. We’ll see.
Making an exception to my plans of California dreaming, I’ll be in Houston on December 28th for PWA’s one year anniversary show. RVD vs Booker T headlines this huge event in Texas, which is sure to have a record breaking crowd. If you’re able to make it, know that this is a rare opportunity to witness those RVD moves actually being done by RVD and not an impressionable wanna-be. Sweet, one-of-a-kind action! Official Booker T. Web Site
I’m stoked for Lost to be returning for another season in a few weeks. I just finished watching season 3 on DVD, and damn- that’s a hard one to walk away from when I have time to keep watching. Good stuff.
Anyone caught Lil Bush on Comedy Central? Dude, this is something to laugh at. We keep a few episodes on Tivo and re-watch them sometimes for good medicine.
I’ll be writing blogs more often once RVD TV is up and running. I’ll be wanting to give you a heads up on each episode as it’s released, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen real soon.
In fact, it appears that RVD TV will be open Christmas week, with parts of the web site still under construction- so wear your hard hats. You and I have both been waiting a long this to come, so plan on having another reason to celebrate over the holidays.
I got some new RVD T shirts. They totally kick ass. Featuring the legendary art work of Joe Holland, my in-ring outfit airbrush artist, I predict that these shirts are going to be top picks for all time favorite RVD T shirts for many people. The good news…you can order them online now! Check them out and let me know what you think!-Holland's Windmill Airbrush
Remember, for more merchandise, including RVD's secret stash ( like ring-worn boots and outfits) and collectible items from RVD's 5 Star Comics click here eBay Store - RVD 5STAR STORE: RVD's 5Star Home
So, baseball wants to take the heat off of pro wrestling, huh? When the major news about the almost 100 ball players that have taken steroids hit the press, it became the subject to talk about. As always, not wanting to disappoint, allow RVD to offer a different perspective. First off, let’s acknowledge the legitimacy of “roids” as medicine. Testosterone replacement therapy is recommended by many credible doctors to increase health. The fact is, as we grow older, our testosterone levels drop, causing aging factors that are detrimental to our well being to occur. That's a fact for us all- athletes or not. Steroids were invented to increase aggression in soldiers during the war, but we know all’s fair in love and war, right? That’s another blog all together! If a professional athlete wants to be the best he can be, why not consider a medicine that promotes his chances? I think this is one point where the views get distorted. People want to compare their heroes to themselves. Just because Bob the banker plays softball on the weekends, doesn’t make him a pro, does it? Regular people can and do play football, lift weights, race and even compete in dangerous sports…like fishing and poker! People don’t wrestle for a hobby. It’s entertainment. Take cheating off the table with that one and let’s stick to the other competitions. You want to compare your batting average to your heroes and let’s face it- that’s not fair. These athletes have followed their dreams and sacrificed everything to be where they are. You just want to play for fun when you have time. These athletes make their living off of competing at the highest level, full time! They want to get as far as they can possibly get and have devoted their lives for it. Let the pros be pros and don’t stop them because your ego won’t let go of your college days when you could have taken a different path.
I’ve heard people say that it’s not fair that Babe Ruth’s record could be broken today only because of drug use. Isn’t it a fact that we have better arthritic medicine and pain and joint tension relievers today then Babe could have had? Don’t we have better education on physical fitness and health and well being? Better equipment for athletes to exercise on? Better supplements? I’ve even heard people claim that the weight of the bat, and the size of the playing field have been altered. What’s wrong with progressing with the times?
I love how the media puts their twist on everything. I saw some young kid on television respond when he was asked what he would do next time he saw his busted “hero” on the pitcher’s mound. The kid simply stated that he would “Boo”. This may strike an emotional cord with you, but not me. “Oh, how heart- breaking that a child feels that way about his role model!” “ We must do something”. That’s what they’re hoping to inspire, but I’m looking at this 7 year old kid and laughing at the attempt to brain wash me. I remember when I was that young and my mom would say “ Robbie, I think it’s gross when people don’t wash their hands after they go to the bathroom, don’t you?” I’d say “ Uhh…yeah.”
She’d then tell others “ Robbie think’s it’s gross when people don’t wash their hands.” there by making it appear as if it was my own thought, to me and to others. That’s what adults do for kids, which is great, but let’s not forget that when we hear the ”shocking” opinions of children. The opinions are not their own, but their parents.
What about the danger? As with everything, there are dangerous levels of abuse. Are the dangers exaggerated? More than you could possibly imagine. In fact, I believe that most of you reading this are under the impression that the reasons you are hearing about so many wrestlers dying are from steroids. That is what most people seem to think. You too?
How is it, that certain facts are completely over-looked in favor of feeding the fear monster? Many of you read about the 64 wrestlers who have died since 1997 under the age of 50, in Maxim Magazine. Did you happen to notice that steroids were mentioned as possible fatal contributions in only 3 of those deaths? That’s if you agree with them that GHB is a steroid, which it is not. You may read about the drug over doses and think maybe it’s steroids. It’s not. It’s almost always, 100 percent, always, always, the muscle relaxer called Soma. Soma, often mixed with other drugs in what we call the “wrestlers cock tail”, is what sends my friends and peers to the grave.
One factor I admit is questionable is the common enlarged heart. It is referred to as “athletes heart” by the medical profession which implies that it is common with those involved in sports. Many people have this without being involved in any competition. I don’t know why it’s so common but it’s not something you can just blame on steroids. Maybe it's related. We should look into that.
So, what do we do? Is it feasible to have separate leagues for athletes who use and those who do not?
Have you ever heard of natural body building contests? They’ve been doing it for years, haven’t they?
I think we should be grateful for modern medicine for all it has achieved. Longer, healthier, more productive lives have been possible since the invention of penicillin and everything that has followed.
Is it really worth putting all this negative energy on America’s favorite pastime? Are the players cheating or are the rules holding them back? How many of you would take a pill if you were guaranteed a world championship reign that would put you in the history books? A lot of folks would trade in their lives for a guarantee like that. Some folks would trade their lives in just for the chance, with very small odds of making it to the top. They want it that bad. It means that much to them. Is it their line to draw, or yours because you want to compare their batting average to yours?
Agreeing to play by given rules and secretly breaking the rules to win is always cheating. If there’s room for flexibility, it’s in the rules. How about we learn more, instead of giving in to the fear that makes us seek comfort in the form of appeasing bull shit? That sounds like a good idea to me. Medicinal value is golden for survival. There are levels of usage and abuse with anything you can put into your body.
Be smart about that, and acknowledge that others may not be as smart as you.
Merry Christmas everybody!